I'm calling this My Own Kind of Cleanse simply because, I can't afford some of the items on the Master Cleanse. So, I'm going with what I can do, and what I can afford. (and what I all ready have in the house) No one reads this blog anyway so I doubt I'll be seeing much flack over my ingredients. I'd really be surprised if someone commented on this.
So, basically, the Master Cleanse is lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper with a Celtic sea salt flush in the morning and laxative tea at night. Here's what's available to me and what I am now calling "My Own Kind of Cleanse." It will be the same proportions as the "other" MC but with ingredients I have available. Lemon juice, raw honey, cayenne pepper a regular sea salt flush in the morning, (none of that Celtic stuff) and a spoonful of Konsil in water at night.
I "may" spring for the Smooth Move tea. It probably tastes way better than the Konsil. I'm going to start with a 5-day goal and see how it goes. If I'm doing good, I may continue longer. I would eventually like to go a full 40 days on, 60 days off, and 40 days on if I can keep that schedule. Then eat only raw vegan during the 60 days off.
My main goal is weight. I really want to be normal. I want to start enjoying life more. I want a girlfriend. I want a job. I can't really effectively do any of these things the way my health is now. So, it's off to Publix tomorrow to get the rest of the stuff I need! I believe I'll be ready to start the cleanse on Monday, March 14th. For REAL. No Excuses!
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