By: Michaelene De Young
I know there are many die-hard Master Cleansers out there that say if you don't use that "exact" formula it won't work. Well, I'm challenging that theory. I've created my own version of the cleanse and dubbed it MYO-CJF. I'll be posting my results, detox issues, etc. on this blog and my thoughts and feelings as I continue on this journey.
The difference between a juice fast and a juice feast is that on a fast, you drink less than 2 quarts of juice a day. On a feast, you drink between 2 quarts and a gallon of juice. This is a fast and is intended to be used for detoxing, cleansing and weight loss.
This formula will make 16 - 10 ounce servings of juice.
Juice any kind of fruits or vegetables till you have 2 1/2 cups of juice.
I used:
- 2 apples
- 2 oranges
- 2 lemons
- 6 carrots
- 1/2 inch piece of ginger
Shake well and refrigerate.
When you are ready to start your fast, use 1/4 cup of the juice/honey blend, a pinch of cayenne pepper and 10 ounces of water. Drink 10 glasses a day with water in between if you're hungry.
Each morning drink a salt water flush first thing when you wake up. (2 tsp. sea salt to 1 quart of water)
Each night, drink a cup of Smooth Move Tea before bed.
This batch should last you for 1 1/2 days. This fast should be a minimum of 10 days and a maximum of 40 days. Feel free to mix up the fruit and vegetable combinations using whatever is affordable to you when you do your shopping. You don't have to stick to the same ones every time you make your concentrate every couple of days. Just as long as you start off with 2 1/2 cups of pure juice the ratio will be the same.
You can even choose different fruits and vegetables according to what benefits you need most if that's what you're most interested in. But, I think higher caloric items would be better since this master drink is going to be watered down 1:3 and you still need to have enough calories to get through your day and not be lethargic. I'm not intending this to be like a water fast where you have to stay in bed for weeks. I still want to function, and I want that for you, too.
Organic fruits or vegetables are always best, but I went for budget cost this first time so mine were not organic, but they were at least fresh. The whole purpose of my blog is to live as raw as possible, cleanse and detox on as little money as you can. I'm testing my theory on this fasting method starting today, March 21, 2011. I'm going to stay on it as long as I can and I'll update this note with my results. My starting weight is 266.5lbs.
So far today, I've only had minor hunger pains which is surprising. I'm just finishing up my sixth cup and it's 7pm. I'm normally grazing all day long and I constantly have to be eating or chewing on something and keeping my mouth occupied. So, it's kind of cool to know I'm able to achieve this small goal and tomorrow, will be a new goal to get through.
I understand the first three days are the hardest and day one is all ready nearing an end. Amazing!
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