Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I've been wondering, what am I going to do about retirement?  I haven't worked in a long time.  I'm essentially retired now but, with no income.  What will I do when Dwain is gone and there's no more Social Security to depend on?  Well, I've been doing some planning and some thinking on this subject.

Essentially, I have no plan.

Right now, my thoughts are to take up my walking poles and backpack and walk the country.  It's funny, but I've all ready started collecting gear that I plan on taking with me.  I have 2 hobo stoves in the works, tarps and many of the items needed in a b.o.b. I lack a few things but I'll slowly get them little by little and when I'm ready to (or maybe not ready to) hit the road, I'll be prepared.

So far:
The makings for 2 hobo stoves and 2 cookpots.
Gerber Multi-tool
2 tarps
mosquito netting
first aid kit
several small tins for fire starting materials
a utensil set
a rain poncho
a set of walking poles

Still need:
a fixed knife
a fire starting flint or two
a hammock
a bedroll

I'm thinking I might also like a 3-wheeled bicycle or maybe a wagon.  Those would really help lighten the load and make traveling much easier.

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