Thursday, November 19, 2020

Write Every Day... They Say

     Umm. Right... So what do I write about? I really have no life to speak of. Quarantin's got me down. My brain is fried from the boob-tube. (aka television) They say, write every day to get better. I'm really trying. I want to be back in the publishing biz. Learn editing or copywriting. 
     The days I spent working for a magazine in Florida was the best days of my life. All I really did was update ads and photoshop images. Rarely did I ever have a chance to do anything creative and it showed. My stuff always looked childish and dorky.
     No one even bothers to read my stuff. I need to push through the mud and get my head above water. I just don't know how to do it. Guess I'd better start by writing something every day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Perfect Weather: A Short Essay

Perfect Weather: A Short Essay

By: Michaelene N. DeYoung
Today’s writing prompt is to look out your window and describe the day.

Looking out my bedroom window this morning, it really looked like the perfect day, in Florida terms. I literally jumped out of bed and turned on the television to see the weather report. Finally! The air of what I’ve been waiting for all year. I immediately opened my window to let the fresh ocean breeze in.     

Oh the refreshing wind! Slightly brisk and so delightful. Immediately my spirits are lifted. The subtle scents of the ocean nearby fill me with joy and contentment. The inhale of green grass and trees ensures me that I can keep moving forward and growing as each blade and leaf does. 

    I truly love days like this. The skies are deep blue with white puffy clouds with light gray underneath gently meandering across the ocean on a path only they seem to know. I dream of the day that I could be out in nature instead of observing it through a quarantine window. I’ve been in this home since March and haven’t even driven my car since my patient’s family is out of town. 

Truth be told now. I’ve been marooned here in Florida for over twenty years. I came down here to be closer to my parents who retired here. I enjoyed visiting them every weekend until my sister decided she wanted them closer to her and moved my mom and dad and all their possessions to North Carolina. I had no job, no car and I lived in a hotel room with a man who was my platonic partner whom I ended up staying with for the rest of his life. 

I really long for spring, autumn and winter once again. Twenty plus years of summer is enough. That’s why perfect days like today, rare as they are are such a gift I cherish.