Saturday, February 18, 2006

Week Three!

I'm still here! I'm proud of myself. I'm still doing great!
Here's my stats for this week:

Saturday, February 18, 2006 Stats
262 lbs!!!
Total lost this week -3 pounds!
Total overall loss -11 pounds!
I'm 82 pounds from my goal!
Let me stress this again...
You can STILL enjoy stuff you love and stick to your diet! This week, I ate 3 Krispy Kreme donuts (Wednesday) and had a Firehouse sub(Friday)! The big thing is never give up. Always return to the plan and impliment some kind of exercise. Even if it's a little walk, it's something! I really enjoy food and I love my little weekly indulgences but I am firm not to let them overtake me.
What I have found I like doing is walking in my room. I use a Leslie Sansone DVD, Walk the Walk, once in a while, but most of the time, I just put some music on and start moving! I really love Marina's Podcast "High-NRG Fitness". She designs them specifically to work out to. (and I love her NY Jewish accent!)
Now, by no means have I been doing this regularly. I'm lucky if I work out once a week. I really need to do more. I'm just lazy. But... I've GOT to get motivated to do more or I'm really going to suffer in November when Dwain and I go on vacation. We're hitting 5 theme parks in 5 days! I'm going to be miserable unless I start to condition my body. HELP!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Week Two!

Seems to be going great! I've discovered that if I stick to my diet all week long, I can splurge a little once a week and not regret it so much. Like this week, I had meat ravioli from Sorrento's for Saturday night dinner then some nachos from 7-Eleven. Then, I went right back to my diet!

I say, "GOOD for ME!" I just have to remember, that a little indulgence is okay once in a while as long as I don't induldge every day.

Now... time for my stats...

Sunday, February 12, 2006 Stats
265 lbs!!!
Total lost this week -3 pounds!
Total overall loss -8 pounds!
Time for applause!
My diet this week consisted of:
  • Breakfast: A Slimfast Optima Shake or Zone Perfect protein bar (180-210 cal.)
  • Morning Snack: A medium Golden Delicious Apple (45 cal.)
  • Lunch: A bowl of broccoli, calliflower & carrots (100 cal.)
    w/1 oz. of Velveta Light cheese (60 cal.)
  • Afternoon: I chewed gum.
  • Dinner: A Weight Watchers low-carb meal
    (most between 200 & 300 cal.)
    (sometimes w/1/2-cup of cooked rice - 95 cal.)
  • Evening Snack: 1 bag of Pop Secret 100 cal. bag of popcorn (about every-other night)
  • Tip: Eat like a diabetic. That means little or no starches.
    NO bread, NO potatos, NO pasta, etc. (if it's white, don't eat it!) If you must, whole wheat bread, brown rice or whole grain crackers are better alternatives but still should be avoided.
For next week, I'm planning the same menu except I changed the apple out for a nectarine and in the afternoon, I'm going to have a banana.
I still haven't started an exercise routine yet, but I did go for a power walk one day at lunchtime last week. I really need to do that 3 times a week, but I hate being outside when its hot out and so my walks are probably going to end once the warm weather comes back. (don't want to go back to work all sweaty and smelly!) I'll have to find an alternate form of exercise that I like doing just as well for the warm months. But I haven't found it yet. I am considering an Xiser Machine. I'd appreciate comments on that. I would also love to take up Nordic Walking, but again, that's an outdoor-in-the-heat sport. Eewww.
Anyways, tell me what you think... I'll listen!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Week One Stats

Well, here it is, folks! My first week's weigh in!
The week started off great, kept to my main idea of "diet" for a whole 3 days. I eased off a bit the rest of the week, but still tried to be sensible.

Yesterday and this morning though, I wasn't. I ate Panera's for lunch and dinner on Friday (cheese & broccoli soup in a bread bowl - I ate the WHOLE bowl! Then an aseago roast beef sandwich & chips for dinner) and McDonald's for breakfast (a "big breakfast" w/a hashbrown)!

I was really suprised when I got on that scale this afternoon.

Drumroll please.........

Saturday, February 4, 2006 Stats
268 LBS!!!!
Total loss -5 pounds!
Time for a little celebration - "Oh ya! Who's your mamma! Oh ya! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!" I gotta celebrate everytime I see that number on the scale go down. Makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere! Yippee!!!