Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weight Loss and Master Cleanse

Well, I started off eating raw in February. I was at 272lbs. After one month or so, I'm now at 266.5.  I've lost 5.5lbs.  Not a bad start.

Monday, March 14th, I'm starting the Master Cleanse. I finally got all the components to get a start on it. I'm going to be using honey instead of maple syrup because of the cost.  I have the lemons, the sea salt, the cayenne pepper and today I got the last thing, the smooth move tea.  I have enough tea for 32 days.  I'll go as long as I can this first time and see what happens.  I only have a few lemons though.  I'll just buy those as needed.  Wish me luck and health! Here's to Monday! ~Peace~

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the Master Cleanse. I've completed 10 days of the MC twice. The last time I did it was in July 2010. I lost about 15lbs. During that time, I learned about Raw Foods so now I'm on a Raw Food Journey. I will probably be doing the MC again this year...sometime after April.
    I'm very interested in how the using the honey works out so keep us posted. -rena


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