Thursday, December 30, 2010

Water Fasting

Since my last post about wanting to change my eating lifestyle, I've been doing a lot more thinking.  I have been eating healthy 75-80% of the time.  But, I want to really make a major life change.  Well, gosh, I've been trying to make a major life change all my life! LOL  Somehow, my goals are never realized.

Then, I started thinking about it some more.  Why have I not been able to reach my goals and maintain the progress I'd all ready made?  I've come to a couple of conclusions.  First off, I've had an oral fixation problem since I was a young child.  I constantly have to have something in my mouth or be doing something.  My mom used to buy me a box of 25 pieces of Bazooka Bubble Gum every day and I would go through it.  I really do mean every day.  Then of course there was 35+ years of smoking cigarettes.  I am thankful I was able to successfully quit and am proud to say I've been smoke-free for a whole year!  Secondly, I'm depressed.  I've been in a depressive state for nearly 20 or more years.  There are a few small times, when I've broken through and not had to deal with my depression, but it doesn't last long.

So, an excellent solution to these problems and several more that I experience on a day-to-day basis would be to start water fasting.  I have watched numerous videos (over 20 vloggs) from beginning fasts to ending them and what happens in between.  I've also read many, many blogs and websites on the issue and 100% of them say that water fasting will dramatically improve my symptoms.  I need to completely break free of my oral fixation.  I think a fast might just do that.  Fasting also relieves depression and reduces swelling in the joints and muscles.

My next paycheck, in preparation of starting a fast, I'm going to buy this amazing product called Konsyl.  It's a bit pricey but well worth it.  This high-fiber drink that will start the cleansing process of my system.  I've used it before and it's absolutely fabulous.  It has very little flavor but it kind of reminds me of drinking water with paper pulp in it more or less.  It's tolerable to me and I like what it does. (Plus, it's Vegan) Doing this will also help lessen the symptoms of the detox my body will be going through.

I'm going to start small.  At first, a 1-day fasting, 2-days healthy eating (vegetarian and raw) for maybe 2 weeks.  Then I'll try a 3-day fast, then a 5-day fast, gradually working up to longer and longer fasts.  Ultimately, I would love to do a complete 30-day fast because that seems to have the greatest results I've seen and read.

I'm not even going to mention, except in passing, the weight-loss and energy benefits.  I think those are a given.  But, I do want to mention that this will also be economically fiscal for me and will help me to save for the holy grail of blenders, The Vitamix. (big grin)

More to come!

Now, if only I could get my diabetic partner to partake of the fast.  I think it would help him so much.  He's 67 years old and dead set in his ways.  I'm going to be 47 in a couple of weeks.

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